Spine Surgery
The department of spine surgery has fellowship-trained, dedicated spine surgeons who are involved in patient care including evaluation, surgery and post-operative management.
The team believes in the Seattle ‘Team’ Approach which ensures patient safety and reduces the complications drastically.
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
A traditional open spine surgery is an extremely complicated and, to some extent, a riskier procedure. It also takes more time to recover. Naturally, it’s more painful and requires more medicines and medical support.
As a solution to that, at Malnad Lifeline Hospitals, you can opt for a Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery (MISS), also known as a key-hole or a pin-hole surgery. For these surgeries, the surgeons make a few small holes and perform the surgery via those holes only. The latest Minimal Access Spinal Technologies (MAST) assist the doctors to perform a flawless surgery. A minimally invasive surgery is a popular choice among the patients who prefer spine surgery
Dr. Adil Ahmed Karnul
Brain And Spine Surgeon
Online Consultation
Call : + 91 70221 74222